This antenna has been built and tested with a version of this one being marketed by Vine Antennas. Again, like the other 2M LFAs before it, this antenna has better allround performance than any other antenna of the same boom length, included within the VE7BQH G/T table.
This antenna is particularly good for EME purposes due to the class leading low noise (Sky Temperature) and G/T figures mentioned above. See the bottom of this page for more information.
- This antenna WILL NOT show the true SWR in any antenna modelling package unless you are using one which uses the latest NEC4 calculation engine. Do not confuse nec versions with EZNEC versions. Unless you have EZNEC pro/4 you are using nec2 NOT nec4
- There are two sets of measurements listed below. One uses imperial sizes, the other uses metirc sizes. Ensure you use the correct one for the material you have
- 'within one or two millimetres' Will not do! take the time to ensure you get the spacing ant element lengths as close as you possibly can to the measurements below to ensure good, solid performance
- Please read the 'how to make the LFA Loop' page here
Download the European and UK/USA versions of this antenna in EZNEC format HERE

KF6A installed his 14el LFA for working EME
'Hi Justin,
Looks like the antenna is working FB. Even though the moon degradation was -3.8db I worked 7 stations last
Looks like the antenna is working FB. Even though the moon degradation was -3.8db I worked 7 stations last
night via EME, DK3WG, I2RV, I2FAK, DK2PH, DK3EE, K9MRI, and F6FHP before I ran out of space to turn the
antenna. I have very limited turning room and can only steer the antenna maybe +/-10deg Az because it is on a
temporary support, although I did elevate it. The wind was blowing 66kph last night so I had LOTS of horrible
power line noise. I had to wait for the moon to get some distance above the horizon so I could avoid the noise
so most, if not all of the stations, were worked at an elevation of more than 25deg and not much ground gain
would have been involved, with the best signals of -18db from DK3EE and I2FAK.
I'll probably try to work more EME tonight since I did pretty well last night.
This was done using the built-in preamp in my TE 1452G SS amp with ~350w.
When I build my 6m OWA yagi I might just try to do the same thing with it and try to work a little EME from my
I'll probably try to work more EME tonight since I did pretty well last night.
This was done using the built-in preamp in my TE 1452G SS amp with ~350w.
When I build my 6m OWA yagi I might just try to do the same thing with it and try to work a little EME from my
roof tower. That would be neat.'
And one day later I had this from Dan....
'I worked more EME tonight. The degradation was -4.6db and I worked HA6NQ, OH7PI, DL1DWI, DF2ZC, SM5DIC,
SP2OFW, DK5SO, DK3EE (again) and F8DO. A few guys were speaker copy too. I ran out of elevation toward the
end and the last couple of guys were worked with my reflector barely a foot off the ground, hi. The antenna is
officially broken in and declared a success. Thanks for the great design!'
Dan KF6A

One of KF6A's first EME QSOs. Note Degradation is at -3.8dB and still a best signal of -18dB is seen !!

Another KF6A QSO from the same (first) evening and still a best report of -18, excellent results for a single Yagi

2 x 14el LFA Yagis for 2M in use at F1USF/P
'HELLO JUSTIN, l just made a photo from my portable station , but it s not easy ,bad light conditions, and bad camera too , but for me it s was more important to compare the 14 ele to my 2*16 same long boom and after a day of tests it seems to be the same reception to half S meter point , so it s a good system swr is right 1.05, my 16 ele are a little beat noisy in a particular direction about 2 S meter point , like you can see the motorhome roof is about 1m of the lowest antenna and no particular effect with doing a 360 turn, l will try a second test when wx conditions will be better at 1500 asl certainly the next month with a longer mast but its not easy alone to install the system, tks for all l will try a six meter too as soon as possible , and try to send us a long 70cm too more than 38 ele if possible'
Fabrice, F1USF
In order to show how clean the pattern is on this antenna, I have presented below first the Elevation plot then the Azimuth plot from 4NEC2 modelling program. These plots show much more clearly then EZNEC.

The 14el Elevation plot presented in the 4nec2 antenna modelling package. At first glance, the pattern
does not look balanced. That is until you start to realise how much rearward suppresion is going on here.

The all important 'Super Clean' Azimuth pattern as presented within 4nec2
Download the European and UK/USA versions of this antenna in EZNEC format HERE
Note: Performance figures given at 144.100MHz, the EME centre frequency
Performance: European Version UK/USA Version
Forward Gain: 16.54dBi at 144.100MHz 16.54dBi at 144.100MHz
Front to Back Ratio: 42.96dB at 144.100MHz 40.33dBi at 144.100MHz
Peak Gain: 16.54dBi 16.54dBi
Peak F/B: 46.38dB 43.2dB
Bandwidth: 1.5MHz below 1.1:1 1.3MHZ below 1.1:1
Build Dimensions for European Version - If you need 12mm Loop sizing mail me
Element Spacing in metres Half element Length in metres Element Notes
Reflector 0 .5075 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
DE1 .261 .447 13mm Tube
DE2 .428 .447 13mm Tube
D1 .611 .479 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D2 1.062 .4615 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D3 1.545 .457 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D4 2.15 .451 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D5 2.849 .4455 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D6 3.624 .4405 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D7 4.464 .4365 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D8 5.338 .4305 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D9 6.213 .426 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D10 7.125 .42 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D11 7.984 .42 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
D12 8.817 .4035 10mm Diameter tube or solid rod
DE1 and DE2 are joined at the ends by either 10mm tube
Feed point is the centre of DE2
Please read the 'how to make the LFA Loop' page here
Download the European and UK/USA versions of this antenna in EZNEC format HERE

SWR Plot for the European version of the G0KSC 14el 144MHz LFA Yagi
Build Dimensions for UK/USA Version
Element Spacing in metres Half element Length in metres Element Notes
Reflector 0 .5085 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
DE1 .261 .447 1/2 inch Tube
DE2 .428 .447 1/2 inch Tube
D1 .613 .4795 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D2 1.062 .4625 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D3 1.545 .458 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D4 2.15 .452 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D5 2.849 .4465 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D6 3.624 .4415 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D7 4.464 .4375 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D8 5.338 .4315 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D9 6.213 .427 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D10 7.125 .421 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D11 7.984 .421 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
D12 8.817 .4045 3/8 inch Diameter tube or solid rod
DE1 and DE2 are joined at the ends by either 3/8 tube
Feed point is the centre of DE2
Please read the 'how to make the LFA Loop' page here
Download the European and UK/USA versions of this antenna in EZNEC format HERE

SWR Plot for the UK/USA version of the G0KSC 14el 144MHz LFA Yagi

Antenna Elevation Plot

European version Azimuth Plot

UK/USA Elevation Plot
EME Notes
This antenna makes an excellent EME antenna when configured in a 4 bay stack. Below is the TanT output screen showing that sky temperature is 217.7 Kelvin for this array which is excellent. Not only this, G/T which is the figure of merit used to determine an antennas ability to receive signals is better than any other antenna of this length (-0.96dB). This is the shortest ever arrya to go below -1.0 G/T for this length ans the 4 bay spacing is not optimised yet!

G/T and Sky Temperature are better than any other antenna of this boom length, period.

4 x 14 element LFA Yagis configured in a 4 Bay array 4 metres Vertically and 4 metres horizontally. With more time, even better results can be achieved.
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